
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Facebook adds security tools to guard against ID theft, spam - - 21 Jul 09

The growing popularity of social network Facebook, which says it now has 250 million users worldwide, has made the site a prime target for cybercriminals. Now, Facebook is trying to help users fight back against spam, phishing and identity theft with added security measures.

When a user's account is hacked, Facebook will send a notification email as before, but going forward, hacked users will have to go through a verification process when they attempt to access their profile again.

Users will be prompted to pick a new, secure password and will be referred to the Facebook Security Page, with "tips and information on how to be safe on Facebook and across the internet," according to Facebook site integrity team member Jake Brill, writing on the Facebook blog.

"This new change will help us not only fight spam, but also spread the word about security on Facebook," Brill said in the post. "In the coming months, we'll be rolling out similar processes to address the different threats people may face."

Cybercriminals have recently targeted users with password-stealing phishing attacks, malware and worms including Koobface.

A recent survey by Webroot suggests social network users, particularly those under 30, experience cyberattacks at a greater frequency.

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